Wednesday, October 24, 2012

But I Can't Stand That Person/でもあの人を見るとムカツク

But I Can't Stand That Person/でもあの人を見るとムカツク Thank you Junko Y. for this message. じゅんこ・Yさんが翻訳をしてくれました。ありがとうございました~! Peace be onto you~ ココロの平安~ ーシャーニス ジョセフ牧師による某Bible Studyで学びになった事を分かち合いたいと思います。 I’d like to share what I learned from one Bible study led by pastor Joseph. 要するに神様は試練を通して、私たちの性格を磨かれるというテーマだったのですが、聖書箇所は1列王記6:7「神殿は、建てるとき、石切り場で完全に仕上げられた石で建てられたので、工事中、槌や、斧、その他、鉄の道具の音は、いっさい神殿の中では聞かれなかった。」が引用されており、神殿をたてる石が、石切り場で元はデコボコな状態なのを斧等でカットされ、神殿を建てる場所に運ばれるときには、完璧な状態になっている事、そしてその石は霊的な暗示で私たちを指していて、私たちも試練を通してデコボコな状態から完璧に近い状態に変えられていくというものでした。 In short, the theme of the message was all about polishing our character through trials. The message quoted from 1 King 6:7 “And the temple, when it was being built, was built with stone finished at the quarry, so that no hammer or chisel or any iron tool was heard in the temple while it was being built.” The stone for building the temple which originally had rough edges was cut by hammer, chisel, or any iron tool at the quarry, and by the time they were brought to the temple, they were perfect for building the temple. And these stones have spiritual implication for us that we also have rough edges that need to be smoothed out. And just like the stone had to be cut to be perfectly  fitted for building the temple, through trials we are transformed to come closer to perfection. 人間関係に関しても語られていたのですが、どうして神様は自分を苛立たせる人、みてるだけで腹が立つ人を私たちに送られるのか。それは私たちになめらかにされなければならない、不備な点があるからだと。 The message also talked about relationship problem. Why does He send us people who irritate and upset us? That is because we have rough edges that need to be smoothed out! また、自分を苛立させる相手を神様がどのようにみているのか考えたことがあるか?自分でどうして相手がそんな風に行動しているのか考えた事があるのか?と語られていたことも心に残りました。 Also, the message asked two questions: “Have you ever considered how God looks on the people who irritate you? Have you ever thought about why the people who upset you behave like that?” 因みに、メッセージをされていた牧師さんをイエス様を受け入れた当時は先生をしていたのですが、いつも問題を起こすある生徒に悩まされていたそうです。 By the way, the pastor who gave us the message was a high school teacher when he received Jesus, and he was very upset with one student who always caused problem. その生徒が問題を起こす度にレポートを書いて校長先生送りにする、そのプロセスを繰り返していたのですが、神様に何度も「なんでその生徒はあんな風にふるまっているんだと思う?」と聞かれたそうです。 Every time the student caused problem, the teacher (our pastor) wrote a report to the principal of the school and sent the student to the principal. But as the teacher repeated this over and over, God spoke to him, “Hey, why do you think the student is acting like that?” いつも「そんな事知らん!」と神様に言っていたのですが、ある日、校長先生送りにするのを辞め、その生徒とランチを一緒にし、「なんでそんな態度をするのか教えなさい」と向き合ってみたそうです。 The teacher (who is now a pastor) always answered to the Lord, “I don’t care!” However, one day, he decided not to send the student to the principal but instead he asked the student to have lunch with him one day. And the teacher asked the student “Please tell me why you act like that?” そうしたら、数日後に、ご家族の方が病気で学校からすぐ帰宅し、世話をしなければならない、10代の彼にはそれがとても重荷だということを分かち合ってくれたようで。 Then, a few days later the student told the teacher (who is now a pastor) that because one of his family members was very sick, he had to go home right after school to take care of that person. And as he was just teenager, that was a heavy burden for him. それを知って、先生(牧師さん)はその生徒を日曜に教会につれていったりして、ヘルプし、卒業するまでには、その問題児の生徒が一番成績を上げた生徒になったそうです。 Knowing the heavy burden of the student, the teacher (our pastor) took the student to church on Sundays and helped him in different ways. And by the time the student graduated from high school, he was the best student whose grades improved the most among all the students. 神様は理由があって自分に苛立てる人を送っている。私たち一人一人が聖徒として今置かれている場所に遣わされていると語られていた点が心に残りました。 God sends us the people who irritate us for a purpose. Each one of us are sent as saints to the place we are now as part of His plan. I will never forget this part of his message.