Monday, June 11, 2012
Since I returned to the United States, I was wondering how I might be able to practice my Japanese. I remembered suddenly last night how my pastor friend recommended the website for Kobe Bible Fellowship (KBF). They have bilingual sermons online you can listen to. I also am very happy that the pastor is from Michigan, like me! He is full of the Holy Spirit, and always says a message which is exactly about something that I had been struggling with at that time in my life.
日本語の練習のために、この神戸にある教会 (KBF)の説教を聞くことにしました。
牧の師さんも私と一緒にミシガンん州から来ったからうれしいです~! この牧師さ
んも100%御霊の力のことで、不思議 なことにいつも自分の人性のなやみにいつも
My friend Junko Y. told me about this devotion below from JesusLifeHouse Osaka. This message below comes from Izumi Kennedy's blog. (
言葉の力 The Power of Words
This message is Pastor Rod's past message but recently God was speaking to me about our WORDS so I will post it here agian!
Whatever you say says something about you
Words show where we are from, our background, education and ourselves.
Many Japanese people, especially men don't speak out. So if you are married and if your husband doesn't say anything, that shows something about him.
So what you say and don't say says something about you
(Matthew 12:33-35) Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.
(マ タイ 12:33-35) 木が良ければ、その実も良いとし、木が悪ければその実も悪いとしなさい。木のよしあしはその実によって知られるからです。 (34)まむしのすえたち。おまえたち悪い者に、どうして良いことが言えましょう。心に満ちていることを口が話すのです。(35)良い人は、良い倉から良 い物を取り出し、悪い人は、悪い倉から悪い物を取り出すものです。
What we say is a Polaroid picture of the heart. It will reveal the condition of our heart.
Some people say "I'm getting better. I still say things, but it's not as bad as before."
But God is saying that half good is not good enough.
For example, if we have rotten water in the well, it is not pure from the inside.
(箴言 18:21) 死と生は舌に支配される。どちらかを愛して、人はその実を食べる。(Proverbs 18:21)The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit
This is a massive statement! The word we speak can bring life or death. This applies to marriage, job life and health life. I can kill myself and others with my word.
Few years ago, a man who was sick came to church. His face was down, but he received Jesus after Pastor Rod's message.
When Ps Rod talked to him afterwards he said, "I have a stomach cancer and the doctor said I'm not going to live for long."
ロド先生は彼にこういった。 「生きなさい・・・!生きなさい!」そして、彼にあうたびにロド先生は「生きなさい!」といった。
Pastor Rod said to him, "LIVE!!! LIVE!!!" And everytime he saw that man, Ps Rod said to him, "LIVE!"
And over time, he thought "I've want to live... I've got to live!!!!"
and after 3 years, his cancer had completely gone. Of course he took many treatments and medicine but Pastor Rod believes that without that word of God he wouldn't have lived long. So words can affect every areas of our lives.
In the bible says if you can control your tongue your life is going to be great. But at the same time, the bible says, "No one can tame your tongue."
例えば、ロド 先生がクリスチャンになった時、消防士だった。そして、仕事の後によく 52人の消防士と一緒にパブにいって飲みにいっていた。そこでロド先生が気付いたのが、彼らが酔えば酔うほど、彼らは変貌した。そして、アルコールによっ て彼らは自由に発言するようになった。そして話せば話すほど、既婚者は妻の悪口をいいはじめた。そして仲間の一人が去ると、その人の悪口を皆いいはじめ た。
For example, when Ps Rod was first saved he was a fireman. After work, 52 firemen used to go out together to pub. He found that the more they drank, the more they changed. And the alcohol frees up the way they speak. And the more they spoke, those who were married said negative things about their wives. And if one left, they said bad things about that person.
若いクリスチャンだったロド先生は、彼らのように話したくないと思った。自分の話し方を変えたいと思った。彼は神様にこういった。 「神様~もう汚い言葉はいいたくない。」
And as a young Christian, he didn't want to be like them. He wanted to change the way how he speak. He said to God, "God, I don't want to swear anymore."
And it was so easy to stop swearing.
で も、かえることが難しいものもあった。彼は19年間イエスなしで生きてきた。そして ロド先生の家族はマイナスな態度をもっていた。例えば、スポーツをみている時に言ってしまう罵しる言葉。スポーツ限らずロド先生は他のことに関してもそう いう言葉をつかっていた。それが当たり前だとおもっていた。でも、彼の言葉が彼の人生に影響を与えていることに気がついた。
But there were some things that he found very difficult to change. He had lived 19 years without Jesus in his life and his family had negative attitude. For example, the words people say while watching sports. His words were like that for everything. He thought that was normal. But he realised that his words were really affecting his life.
So, is it impossible to control our tongue?
There is a way to tame our tongue! That is the Holy Spirit.
The moment you become a Christian, you will receive the Holy Spirit.
聖霊で満たされると、言葉が変わります・・!! 神様の愛で満たされれば満たされるほど、ポジティブな人間になります!
When you are filled the Holy Spirit you will speak differently. The more we are filled with God's love, we are going to become positive
エペソ5章では、 「お酒に酔ってはいけません。聖霊で満たされなさい。」と書いてある。
Ephesians 5 it says, "Don't get drunk with wine, but be filled with the Holy Spirit."
Don't do and say the bad things that you used to do in the past, but be filled with new things.
悪い言葉を止められない人は、 「神様、心を変えてください!心をあなたの言葉で満たしてください!」ということができる。
And if you can't stop saying bad things you can say to God, "God, change my heart and fill my heart with your words!"
No one is perfect but you can get better.
It won't happen overnight. But God WILL change us overtime.
唯一、心を変えてくれて、言葉を変えられるのは神様♪♪ 神様に近づいてポジティブな言葉がたくさんでる人になりましょう♪ ジャーナルと祈りは毎日の心の掃除だよ!
God is the only one who can change our hearts and words. So let's get closer to God and become a person who always says positive words! Journaling and prayers will help you keep a clean heart every day!!!
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