Tuesday, March 15, 2011


As we are all continuing to pray for Japan... in Fukushima, Japan there is a nuclear power plant (Fukushima Dai-ichi complex) only 170 miles away from the capital city of Tokyo which is close to meltdown as a result of the recent earthquake. Right now it is leaking radiation and there have been several explosions and fires. 50 workers (heroes, truly) have been working there to do what they can to control the damage of the situation. Today they were ordered to return home as the radiation levels had risen so high that it was deadly. However, radiation levels dropped enough for them to return to work. Still, they are risking their lives at this point to save others.

WE MUST PRAY for these nuclear plant workers. Lord, give them divine wisdom to prevent a tragedy! Protect them from radiation. Comfort their families. Provide a strong wind to take the radiation away from homes and towards the sea. Right now it seems the people living in the Tokyo region are panicking. Heavenly Father, ease their fears because if this grows feeling grows any further, people will be trampled as they seek to buy supplies.


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